Jakub Koláček
Postdoctoral Researcher
Jakub is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University.
Research focus
He focuses on modern Middle Eastern history and politics with a particular focus on Iran, Islam and Islamic political movements, and political ecology of the region.
Selected Publications
Koláček, Jakub. 2023. „The Khomeinists: Between Sedentarization and Perpetual Revolution.“ In ISIS and the Others: Hybrid Revolutionaries in Global Politics, ed. Ondrej Ditrych, Jakub Záhora and Jan Daniel. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Koláček, Jakub. 2022. „The Qur’ān as a Source for Contemporary Islamic Environmental Ethics,“ Archiv orientální, 88, no. 2: 221–248.
Koláček, Jakub. 2024. „Muhammad Khatami’s Reforms in Iran from the Perspective of Transitology and the Outlook for Democratic Change.“ Historická sociologie 16, no. 1: 9–28.
He graduated in Arabic studies and Historical sociology at the Charles University and holds a Ph.D. in Asian culture a history from the same university.
Email address: jakub.kolacek@ff.cuni.cz