We offer different internships to young scholars and students. Watch out for new calls in the news section or on our Facebook and Twitter.


02/2025 - 04/2025

Pars Tijen Peikert is B.A. graduate in Political Science from Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main, who has been working as a student assistant at Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) for the last two years. While Pars’ research has been focusing on Arms Control, Emerging Technologies and Outer Space, he will be supporting PRCP in the analysis of Nuclear Threat Rhetoric and Escalation Management in the Russia-Ukraine War.


9/2024 - 12/2024

Ayesha Zafar is an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship recipient, pursuing an International Master's in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies. Her research focuses on geopolitical analysis, intelligence gathering, OSINT, security assessment, and strategic communication, as well as counter-terrorism, extremism, and peacebuilding, particularly in South Asia and Europe. During her internship at PRCP, she will be part of the Russo-Ukrainian War working group.

sara camussi

9/2024 - 12/2024

Sara Camussi is a recent graduate from the Double Degree Master’s programme at Konstanz University and Charles University in the Department of International Relations. She is currently on her Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium internship at PRCP, during which she will delve into the role of the European Union in the international non-proliferation regime, seeking a clear and comprehensive understanding of the current state of organisation in this domain.


9/2023 - 12/2023

Tim Thies is a Researcher at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) and a PhD candidate at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands. During his EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium internship at PRCP, Tim Thies’ research focused on interpretations of the role of nuclear weapons in the English language academic literature on nuclear deterrence and disarmament. 

Anna Volontè

2/2023 - 5/2023

Anna Volontè conducted her internship at Middle East Research Group (MERG). She collaborated with her PhD colleagues, carrying out background research on international debate centered on Israeli accusations of the crime of Apartheid, and on Tunisia's democratic backsliding. In the meantime, she was conducting preliminary research for her MA Thesis on Italian political discourse securitizing migration in the aftermath of the 2015 refugee crisis.

Müberra Dinler

2/2023 - 6/2023

Müberra joined PRCP as a Ph.D. student of Middle East Studies. During her internship, she focused on her ongoing research on China and Russia’s support to the stigmatized actors in the Middle East.


8/2022 - 1/2023

Lucas joined us as a Master's student of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University, Sweden. During his stay at PRCP, he worked on several research projects examining the use and misuse of traumatic historical events in foreign policy, applying different methodological approaches and data analyses. His own research interest lies in conflict mediation, where he focuses on local civil peace mediation, as well as Track 1.5 mediation.

Barbora Novotná


During her stay at PRCP, Barbora was a bachelor’s student in Political Science and Public Policy at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. She examined the nature of expert analysis regarding the Ukraine-Russia tensions that appeared in media prior to the Russian invasion.

Jennifer Confidence

01/09 - 30/11/2021

Jennifer has joined us as a master’s student in international security and public policy. During her internship at PRCP, she has been researching currency warfare, focusing on currency and monetary policies by state and non-state actors in civil wars and their effects on conflict dynamics and the state's authority.

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Nina Webrová

01/09 - 30/11/2021

During her stay with us, Nina was a master’s student in Security Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. She has been working on our Monetary Warfare research where she examined the role of currencies and monetary policies implemented by rebel groups to challenge state authorities during internal armed conflicts.

Linda Jäck

15/07 - 15/10/2021

Linda was our EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium intern.
She graduated in Communication with a focus on European foreign policy and statistics at the University of Vienna and KU Leuven and began her Master's in International Affairs in fall 2021 at Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.
At PRCP, her research focused on Artificial Intelligence in nuclear disarmament. You can read her paper here or visit the EUNPDC website.



Richard Křesina

01/07 - 31/08 2021

During his internship at PRCP, Richard was a BA European Social and Political Studies student at University College London. As an intern at the Frozen Conflicts in World Politics working group, he conducted research on the dynamics of peaceful resolution of frozen conflicts.

Daria Solomina

25/06 - 30/08/2021

During her stay at PRCP, Daria was a master’s student in International Relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. Daria focuses on human rights protection and her primary interest is the protection of the freedom of assembly and association in the Russian Federation. At PRCP, she was working on data analysis within two of our working groups (NCD and PEL).


Carmen Wunderlich

Ondřej Kopečný

01/04 - 30/6/2021

Ondřej is a Security Studies graduate, currently focusing on wartime institutional communication. At PRCP he assisted the frozen conflicts-focused working group and analyzed social media communication of Armenia and Azerbaijan’s Ministries of Foreign Affairs during the 2020 war.

Fabiana Natale

01/04 - 30/04/2021

During her stay at PRCP, Fabiana was a master’s student in International Security and European Governance. She researched the role of central banking in contexts of political instability and civil unrest. In particular, she conducted
a case study about Venezuela, investigating the use of Venezuelan foreign exchange reserves and of the energy sector in maintaining regime stability.



Alaïs LaUrioux

15/10/2020 - 15/1/2021

Alaïs was an EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium intern. While the internship was mostly conducted online, she still managed to conduct interesting research on the topic of the CTBT ratification process. You can read her paper here or visit the EUNPDC website.


Interns who worked on coding and narratives of the Frozen conflicts dataset:
Gabriel Ardanaz, Pavlina Boyanova, Zuzana Buronova, Anja Burlica, Matěj Čadek, Sam Carruthers, Alexandre Cuby, Erin Currie, Tetyana Demyanchuk, Nicole Ely, Frederik Gergerly, Miroslava Kuľková, Dominique Linhares, Filip Mocák, Simone Neads, Mathieu Rochambeau, Daniela Serrano, Yevgenyia Soldatova, and Wietse Straatsma