Michal Onderčo

Senior Researcher

Michal is a senior researcher at Peace Research Center Prague and an Associate Professor of International Relations at Erasmus University Rotterdam

Research focus

Michal's main research interest is in international relations, particularly the study of international security, international institutions and Global South.

In his research, he studies the roots of state action, exploring how commerce, norms and geopolitics inform foreign policy-making. His current work is focused in two areas: nuclear politics (with a focus on informal state cooperation and the NPT regime) and the domestic sources of foreign & security policy in Europe.

Selected publications

Paulina Pospieszna, Michal Onderco & Reinout van der Veer (2023) Comparing public attitudes towards internal and external EU sanctions: the role of populism, trust and Euroscepticism, East European Politics

Anna Clara Arndt, Liviu Horovitz & Michal Onderco (2023) Russia’s Failed Nuclear Coercion Against Ukraine, The Washington Quarterly

Onderčo, M., Smetana, M., Etienne, T. W. (2023). Hawks in the making? European public views on nuclear weapons post-Ukraine. Global Policy

Onderčo, M., Portela, C. (2022). External drivers of EU differentiated cooperation: How change in the nuclear nonproliferation regime affects member states alignment. Contemporary Security Policy

Onderčo, M., Portela, C. (2022) External drivers of EU differentiated cooperation: How change in the nuclear nonproliferation regime affects member states alignment. Contemporary Security Policy

Smetana M., Onderco M. (2022). From Moscow With a Mushroom Cloud? Russian Public Attitudes to the Use of Nuclear Weapons in a Conflict With NATO. Journal of Conflict Resolution

Smetana M., Onderco M. (2022). Elite-Public Gaps in Attitudes to Nuclear Weapons: New Evidence from a Survey of German Citizens and Parliamentarians. International Studies Quarterly

Onderco M., Smetana M., van der Meer S., Etienne T. W. (2021). When do the Dutch want to join the nuclear ban treaty? Findings of a public opinion survey in the Netherlands. The Nonproliferation Review

Onderco M., Giumelli F. (2021). States, firms, and security: How private actors implement sanctions, lessons learned from the Netherlands. European Journal of International Security. 6(2) 190-209

ONDERCO, M. M. (2020). Collaboration Networks in Conference Diplomacy: The Case of Non-Proliferation Regime. International Studies Review, 22(4), 739–757.

ONDERCO, M. (2019). Partisan views of Russia: Analyzing European party electoral manifestos since 1991. Contemporary Security Policy, 40(4), 526-547.


Michal studied international politics, history, and international law in Bremen, Paris, and Amsterdam, and obtained his PhD in political science from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2014. In 2018-2019, he was CISAC Junior Faculty Fellow at Stanford University.

In the academic year, 2014-2015, he was Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute, and in 2012-2013, he was a Fulbright Visiting Researcher at Columbia University's Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies. Additionally, he held short-term fellowships at Fundacao Getulio Vargas (Sao Paulo & Rio de Janeiro), University of Pretoria, as well as United Services Institute of India.


Email address: Michal.Onderco@eui.eu