Duck Rabbit

Duck Rabbit is a Senior researcher and lecturer at the University of Rabbitburg in the department of International Duck Relations.

At Peace Research Center Prague, Duck Rabbit is our model page (because it’s beautiful!).

Research focus

In its research, Duck Rabbit focuses on normative approach towards the duck community, particularly regarding the control of weapons of rabbit destruction.

It is particularly interested in practices of duck-rabbit differentiation in global normative order and in the social construction of weird images.

Selected Publications

RABBIT, Duck - VASE, Face . Lost in images: Differences in our brains. International Journal of Deviations. 2020, 1-26. DOI: 10.10***/*****.2020.*****. ISSN ☻♦♣2-3♥-►.

RABBIT, Duck (ed.) Changing the (ab-)normality. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. ISBN ***-♠-3?9-5•◘○◙-♂.


Duck Rabbit studied Visual Science and Philosophy, and received its Ph.D. from University of Duckington. It was a visiting scholar at the Dhaka United Center for Ktenology (DUCK).


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