Tereza Jermanová
Postdoctoral Researcher
Tereza Jermanová is a postdoctoral researcher at Peace Research Center Prague and an Assistant Professor at the Department of Middle Eastern Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University.
At Peace Research Center Prague, Tereza Jermanová is part of the Middle East Research Group (MERG).
Research focus
In her research, Tereza focuses on democratization, constitution-making, Arab uprisings, and the politics in Tunisia and Egypt.
In her book manuscript, she explores the role that inclusive constitution-making processes play in reaching agreement on a constitution between political adversaries and, ultimately, in democratic change in post-2011 Tunisia and Egypt.
Selected Publications
Jermanová, Tereza (2021) "From Mistrust to Understanding: Inclusive Constitution-Making Design and Agreement in Tunisia." Political Research Quarterly 74 (4).
Jermanová, Tereza (2020) "Before Constitution-Making: The Struggle for Constitution-Making Design in Post-Revolutionary Egypt." Acta Politica 55.
Jermanová, Tereza (2021) "Tuniská revoluce za důstojnost a demokracie v arabském světě." In Filip Outrata (ed.) Demokracie - jak dál? Rizika a výzvy pro Česko a svět, Praha: Vyšehrad.
Tereza received her Ph.D. in Comparative Politics at the University of Warwick and her M.A. in North African Politics at the University of Exeter. Beyond academia, she is a research fellow at the Prague-based think tank, the Association for International Affairs.
Email address: tereza.jermanova@ff.cuni.cz