New publication: "Ideology and the Red Button: How Ideology Shapes Nuclear Weapons’ Use Preferences in Europe"

Does partisan ideology influence whether Europeans are willing to use nuclear weapons, and if so, how? Michal Onderčo, Tom W. Etienne and Michal Smetana conducted a survey in Germany and Netherlands and found, that voters of right-wing parties are more likely to approve of the use of nuclear weapons in both countries. The article was published in Foreign Policy Analysis and is available here.

The lesser evil? Experimental evidence on the strength of nuclear and chemical weapon “taboos”

A new article by Michal Smetana, Marek Vranka, and Ondřej Rosendorf has been published in Conflict Management and Peace Science! Our researchers present the results of a survey experiment, seeking to answer the question of whether people are more averse to the use of nuclear or chemical weapons.

New Publication: "From Moscow With a Mushroom Cloud? Russian Public Attitudes to the Use of Nuclear Weapons in a Conflict With NATO."

A new paper by Michal Smetana & Michal Onderčo has just been published in Journal of Conflict Resolution! The paper reports findings from the 2021 survey experiment in Russia, which investigated Russian public support for nuclear weapon use in the hypothetical conflict with NATO in the Baltics. Read here!