Looking for full-time Ph.D. student for our ERC-funded project! (CALL CLOSED)


Join our research team and contribute to a prestigious European Research Council (ERC)-funded project. The "Microfoundations of Collective Defence" (MICROCODE) project explores how public opinion shapes decision-making in military alliances and collective defence, with a focus on NATO countries. We are offering an exciting Ph.D. opportunity with competitive pay, flexible working conditions, and the chance to make meaningful contributions to groundbreaking research in a friendly and supportive team of excellent scholars .

New Report: Public Support for Nuclear Arms Control

We are happy to publish the new report on public support for nuclear arms control conducted by the Experimental Lab for International Security Studies (ELISS)!

The report offers results of a cross-national survey regarding public support for nuclear arms control with Russia and China, in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Poland. Furthermore, the survey included an embedded experiment investigating cross-national attitudes toward nuclear and chemical weapon use.

Our director Michal Smetana is awarded the prestigious ERC grant!

We are proud to announce that our director Michal Smetana has been awarded a five-year ERC Starting Grant of 1.5 million EUR for his project ‘Microfoundations of Collective Defence’, which will utilise advanced methods in experimental political science, international relations and political psychology to explore the public opinion in military alliances across key NATO member states.

Research Article: Elite-public gaps in support for nuclear and chemical strikes

In this publication, Michal Smetana, Marek Vranka and Ondřej Rosendorf provide empirical evidence for the hypothesis that there are substantial elite-public gaps in support for the military use of nuclear and chemical weapons. These findings strongly contribute to the ongoing academic debate on the significance of nuclear and chemical weapon ‘taboos’ in global politics.