We are happy to announce that we have two new members on our team!
As you may have already noticed in our Annual Review, we have two new junior researchers joining us for 2021. Both are graduates of the University of Cambridge - coincidence?
The event will take place on April 11, 2025 at the Faculty of Law, Charles University (nám. Curieových 901/7, Prague 1). We are excited to welcome you to our Annual Conference, where we will explore the implications of a new Trump era for Europe. To attend, please register by filling out the form here.
Keynote Speaker: Steve Brooks (Dartmouth College)
We’re excited to see you at the conference!
Professor Michal Tomášek has been awarded the Silver medal of the Charles University in recognition of his many years of professional and educational activities in the field of European law. Congratulations!
Professor Tomášek, who is the vice-dean of the Faculty of Law, is one of our senior researchers, part of the research group focused on Power Shifts and World Order.
Our colleague Kamil Klosek is currently on a research field trip in Uganda. If you'd like to know more about his journey, civil war in Uganda, Uganda itself or maybe gather some travel tips, you can visit his blog!