PRCP continues its cooperation with the EU Non-proliferation and Disarmament Consortium

The EUNPDC published a new Next Generation Paper written by our recent intern Linda Jäck while at PRCP. Linda analyzed the challenges and opportunities in the age of artificial intelligence through the views of non-Western experts in the debate on nuclear security.

The article “explores the impact of AI on nuclear deterrence and disarmament as a follow-up to Onderco and Zutt's study (2021). The findings help to better understand the current challenges of AI in the nuclear area from a non-Western perspective. When AI is deployed in nuclear weapon systems, unintended dangers are likely to increase. (...) The overall view on AI’s impact is twofold; on the one hand, it can reduce human errors in crises situations by pointing out failures. On the other hand, human surveillance over intelligent software systems is essential to retain control. AI should particularly be approached with caution when considering the interplay between cyber-, conventional, and mixed warfare. When it comes to the interplay of cyber, conventional, and mixed combat, AI should be addressed with caution. It is particularly political and ethical criteria that need to be taken into account before implementing AI into nuclear weapons systems.”