PRCP Annual Review 2022

We are proud to share with you our Annual Review 2022.

The year 2022 was marked by the outburst of war in Ukraine, highlighting the continuing importance and relevance of Peace research. The sad circumstances brought about increased media attention - a new challenge we’ve risen up to and managed to fulfill our social responsibility without slackening in our research activities. This year's yearbook thus provides an overview of our many publications and activities over the past year, as well as a glimpse into what we are planning for 2023"!

New Study Critically Reasseses the Lessons of Israel's “Unilateral Disengagement” from the Gaza Strip

In his latest publication, Rob Geist Pinfold critiques the supposed lessons and the underlying logic of Israel's "unilateral disengagement" from Gaza. The article titled ‘Security, Terrorism, and Territorial Withdrawal: Critically Reassessing the Lessons of Israel's “Unilateral Disengagement” from the Gaza Strip’ was published in International Studies Perspectives.

New publication: "Ideology and the Red Button: How Ideology Shapes Nuclear Weapons’ Use Preferences in Europe"

Does partisan ideology influence whether Europeans are willing to use nuclear weapons, and if so, how? Michal Onderčo, Tom W. Etienne and Michal Smetana conducted a survey in Germany and Netherlands and found, that voters of right-wing parties are more likely to approve of the use of nuclear weapons in both countries. The article was published in Foreign Policy Analysis and is available here.