In their new paper Michal Smetana, Marek Vranka and Ondřej Rosendorf test the famous claim in nuclear weapons scholarship that ambiguous nuclear threats create a “commitment trap” for American leaders. The present study, published in the Journal of Experimental Political Science, finds no evidence for this claim. Read the paper here!
PRCP Policy Brief #018
In our latest policy brief, Tomáš Bruner uncovers the surprising connections between class action lawsuits, disinformation campaigns and potential threats this connection presents to the EU countries.
New Study on European Public Views on Nuclear Weapons
Our researchers Michal Onderčo and Michal Smetana, alongside Tom W. Etienne, published a new paper in Global Policy. The study explores, whether the Russian invasion of Ukraine changed the aversion of the European public toward nuclear deterrence and the stationing of US American nuclear weapons in Europe.
PRCP Annual Review 2022
We are proud to share with you our Annual Review 2022.
The year 2022 was marked by the outburst of war in Ukraine, highlighting the continuing importance and relevance of Peace research. The sad circumstances brought about increased media attention - a new challenge we’ve risen up to and managed to fulfill our social responsibility without slackening in our research activities. This year's yearbook thus provides an overview of our many publications and activities over the past year, as well as a glimpse into what we are planning for 2023"!
New Year, New Working Group & New Faces at PRCP!
In 2023, we are happy to welcome three new researchers to the PRCP team! Jan Daniel, Tereza Jermanová, and Jakub Záhora are joining our newly formed Middle East Research Group (MERG).
Debata: Mlha války ve 21. století
Přijměte pozvání na debatu, jež se uskuteční 8. prosince od 17:30 do 19:00 na Hollaru v místnosti H014. Debatovat budou Sandra Lábová, Michal Parízek, Michal Smetana a Dominika Píhová, tématem bude mediální pokrytí války na Ukrajině z praktické i teoretické stránky. Moderování se ujme Nikola Kurková Klímová.
New Study on Nuclear Disarmament
Michal Onderčo together with Clara Portela published in Contemporary Security Policy! The open access paper explores how the humanitarian turn in nuclear disarmament led to a crystallization of differentiated subgroups among the member states.
CANCELLED_ Invitation: Europe, Interdependence & Vulnerability
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Prof. Newman will not be able to join us in Prague on November 24th. The event is, therefore, canceled.
On November 24th, we will welcome professor Abraham Newman from Georgetown University to discuss the changes and challenges of the increasing use of economics as a tool in geopolitical contests among major powers.